Mali is Africa’s third biggest gold producer but one of the world’s poorest countries. Tackling the discrepancy between the wealth generated by Mali’s rising production of gold and other minerals, and the extreme poverty in which almost half our population exists, is one of our nation’s greatest challenges.
Continue readingHow can OGP boost contract disclosure in the extractive sector?
As part of its #DiscloseTheDeal Campaign on extractive contract disclosure, and in partnership with Natural Resources Government Institute (NRGI) and Oxfam America, Publish What You Pay hosted a virtual session at the OGP Global Summit in December 2021.
Continue readingContract disclosure is key to tackling the corruption marring the extractive industries
It is clear that no country or sector is immune to corruption. However, according to the OECD, one in five cases of transnational bribery occur in the extractive sector.
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